Thursday, February 18, 2010

Neck Pain With Cough Head Cold With Severe Neck Pain?

Head cold with severe neck pain? - neck pain with cough

It started 6 days (SA) with a sharp pain in the upper back of the throat and I felt that I was approaching my sinuses (or rather left) and then my neck felt a little kinky) (left. The headache the next day, fever (100.6), cough - very stuffy, hoarse voice. Neck pain worsened inside and outside, such as pain along the course of the neck with a cool head. Can sinus in the neck and head to fill "with slime? The pressure on the left side of the head and ears became unbearable pain with radiation to the neck from now on the back left side of my head and my left ear. I support everything that somehow his head. I went to the doctor, like) a walk in the morning (Tuesday, and they have been tested and mono test and gave me a shot of penicillin.Later that day, I had difficulty swallowing and asked me to go to the emergency room at the hospital. The doctor examined the ER, said that neither the neck or the left ear in red or swollen, had a slight fever at this point (99.6) (which had taken Tylenol before 1.5 hours). I asked if he might be menningitis and said: "We see, dass" This test was negative. He suggested that there was "some kind of virus. What can he do? 6 days later my neck is still stiff, still PHLEM cough, sore throat on the inside is not bad, but I still can not swallow well. I wonder if a backup of mucus / PHLEM in my glands all ... Is there something more complicated, which take so long? "(I am now on medicine would be -4 days). As each new test and the normal canquot; and I feel so bad?

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