Friday, December 11, 2009

Softbox For On Camera Flash Compact, Easy To Use, Efficient Can You Put A Filter On A Softbox Or Umbrella So The Lighting Isn't So "white"?

Can you put a filter on a softbox or umbrella so the lighting isn't so "white"? - softbox for on camera flash compact, easy to use, efficient

When I shoot with a light box / / bare bulb umbrella (Dynalite lightning ).... everything is soooo white. "I want to fix things and it warmer, I think. I want this post - or should I change my settings for the camera?


Ansell A said...

You can use color gels to change the lighting.

fhotoace said...

"White" light is the goal of photography ... the images produced in color accuracy.

If you heat your pictures, simply use the white balance on the camera.

Take the test shots with a white card, then use the settings menu and adjust the heat to the shooting. When the flash of light produced K 5600, then the camera something like 5880 K, 6250 K, and see if it hot enough for you

Filter is large enough, could put on a light box to cost hundreds of dollars.

fade2bla... said...

I am usually not implemented. I keep my white balance as accurately as possible into the camera, because I will not forget it warms my voice in front of the camera and take a photo, then cancel the post. Accurate white balance gives me a starting point in line with each photo.

caspersk... said...

These are good answers. You can also result in an umbrella buying more gold and warm light.

caspersk... said...

These are good answers. You can also result in an umbrella buying more gold and warm light.

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